Connecting dots reveals a bigger picture. Connecting people drives results. Human beings are social creatures who require relationships to survive and thrive. It’s at the very core of our existence. No matter whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, at the end of the day, we all require connection with others. We are all hardwired...Read More
There’s a saying that people don’t leave companies, they leave bosses. As workers continue to demand more, Dr. Michelle K. Johnston would argue that what many are calling the “great resignation” is actually a “treat me like a human” revolution. On this episode of Rounding The Bases with Joel Goldberg, a celebrated academic from New...Read More
Scroll through the database of the United States Patent and Trademark Office and you will come across some absolutely amazing things that have enhanced or revolutionized how we live. But one invention that changed the course of humanity forever will not be found there or in any other patent department around the world. It can...Read More
Not everyone is naturally suited to be a leader — but everyone can learn how to become one and use those lessons to make a difference. Michelle K. Johnston, PhD., author and professor of management at Loyola University in New Orleans, sits down with Richard Atherton, host of the Being Human podcast. Being Human is...Read More
In this new era, leadership has pivoted from power to connection. To excel at this, a leader must first connect and lead themselves. But how? Dr. Ruth Gotian, who writes about how to optimize career success, delves into the topic while profiling Dr. Michelle Johnston’s new book The Seismic Shift in Leadership: How to Thrive...Read More
It’s hard to balance a professional high-achiever job in Health Care or Corporate with your spouse, the VIP – your Very Important Partner who is equally dedicated and ambitious like you. Uwe Dockhorn, host of Lift-Off podcast, chats with Dr. Michelle Johnston about how leaders can thrive in a new era of leadership and achieve...Read More
How do you lead during these difficult times? • Show up authentically • Give up perfection • Treat your people with compassion and kindness • Listen more than you talk. • Own your operating Rhythm. These were some of the topics Adam Strong and I talked about on his podcast, “The Game Changers.” If you...Read More